Design and Construction, Electrical, Structural, Civils, Roads and any other related projects.
MVD Kalahari
MVD Kalahari is a leading multi-disciplinary consulting engineering, town and regional planning company based in South Africa with 52% black ownership and a Level 3 Contribution to B-BBEE.
The company is comprised of a team of registered professional engineers who are backed up by experienced technicians, draughtsman and administrative personnel. The latest computer technology enables the company to render a comprehensive service.
Having been in operation for 56 years, the company has grown and matured within the changing South African context delivering high quality projects underpinned by an independently certified ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Duneco, a Civil Engineering and Construction Contractor strives towards providing all our clients with affordable workmanship of the highest quality whilst working towards the elimination of poverty and unemployment in South Africa through the creation of opportunities for the community to acquire work related skills.